About us

About us waqas khan February 6, 2020
Mission and Vision

YPF is a Parliamentary forum, established in 2003 in the Parliament of Pakistan.


To facilitate members to actively participate in sub-committees where they can work across party

Contributions of YPF to the legal framework.

YPF has made significant contributions of on numerous highly topical and development

YPFMission and Vision

YPF is a Parliamentary forum, established in 2003 in the Parliament of Pakistan with the purpose to assist Young Parliamentarians who are under the age of 45, to develop a strong culture of responsible political leadership in the country.

The operations of YPF is steered by its Board comprising of President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Information Secretary and Finance Secretary. The incumbent Board of YPF is presided by MNA Syeda Nosheen Iftikhar

As one of the platform established to represent the voice and interests of the youth of Pakistan in the Parliament, the Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) has come a long way. It serves as a “Springboard” platform for young minds and provides them with an opportunity to interact with and learn from, seasons politicians and legislators alike.

The Young Parliamentarians Forum also expected to provide young legislators with the leadership skills to act as catalyst for change in Pakistan’s political system and pioneer meaningful reforms. As legislators, there is an immense pressure on the members aged 45 or under to gain access to information and skills about all spheres of life. The YPF platform has been the key source of dissemination of such vital knowledge as well as the means by which the skills of these young legislators can be polished by exposing the members to the international democratic and political governance issues.


The main objectives of the Young Parliamentarians Forum are:

  • To facilitate members to actively participate in sub-committees where they can work across party lines on areas of mutual interest across party lines; in particular, sub-committees will:
  • Spearhead parliamentary reforms where needed.
  • Strengthen the legislative system by promoting more public policy analysis and debate.
  • Make recommendations to the government and National Assembly Committees regarding policy initiatives and reforms.
  • To organize and develop young leadership across party lines to ensure meaningful participation in the legislative process.
  • To facilitate better participation in the Parliament through capacity building.
  • To facilitate interaction between the legislators and their regional and international counterparts so they can learn from each other.
  • To introduce innovative and creative programmes for the development and enhancement of legislative skills.
YPFContributions of YPF to the Legal Framework

YPF has made significant contributions of on numerous highly topical and development issues affecting the youth in Pakistan. The young Parliamentarians have made commendable contributions to the legal framework with the introduction of Bills and Amendments such as:

  • Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill,2014
  • Child Marriage Restraint(amendment) Bill, 2014
  • National Commission for Minorities Bill, 2015
  • Control of Narcotics Substances Bill, 2014
  • Compulsory Education of Arabic Bill,2014
  • The National Commission for Minority Education Bill, 2015
  • The National Commission for Minority Rights Bill, 2015
  • Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2014
  • Acid and Burn Crime Bill, 2014
  • Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2014
  • Torture, Custodial Death and Custodial Rape (Prevention and Punishment) Bill, 2014
  • Federal Witness Protection Act, 2015.
Office BearersOffice Bearers of YPF